Saturday, August 16, 2008

Twin Falls Temple

So, we went to the Twin Falls Temple today and it was such a neat experience. The kids loved it. Chase keeps talking about Angel Moroni. He says it oronmi. It's pretty cute. I'm glad that we took the opportunity to go. I hope that the kids can remember it a bit and look forward to going there again someday.

Friday, August 15, 2008


Ok, so it's been forever since I last said anything on here. I've been pretty busy. Well, we got a new puppy. I thought the kids would be excited, but they haven't seemed too thrilled. They don't like how excited he gets I guess. He is an Australian Shepherd, Poodle mix. He's actually pretty cute and nice.....I never thought I would like a dog. I still have my issues, but he is fun too. His name is Cowboy. He came with the name, but we like it. Trey calls him Cowboy Hat. It's pretty cute.
Chase and Grandpa Larsen

The first weekend of August I went to Utah to my friend Heather's wedding. We played a bit.

My mom nearly broke her leg. They said it may be a little cracked, poor girl.

My sister got me this Yummy chocolate bar that I could not resist. My kids couldn't resist it either and found my hiding spot. :) I don't know if you can see the picture or not, but at the bottom it says Can you resist temptation. She bought it at the midnight party for the book Breaking Dawn.

I also had to throw in the cute one of Sterling and Chase asleep in the backseat of Owen's truck. They were pretty cute.

When I went to Utah, Sterling went to Rexburg to help his brother Ellis with his house. I came up and on Sunday, Rhonda and Blake blessed their adorable little man Preston. He's quite the cutie, sadly I didn't get a picture of him in his nice little outfit. Here is a picture of a bunch of us in our green at the dinner after the blessing.

Ok, just a couple more pictures to throw at you. A couple weeks ago I decided to try to give Keegan a cracker and he loved it. I love it too because he can hold it himself. He seems to be ok with them and it makes us all happy. It's so nice when they can start to feed themselves a little bit.

Poor little Trey smashed his thumb pretty good in the door at the barn. The poor little man is going to lose his thumb nail. You can't really tell in the picture, but his thumb is swollen a ton. It's not supposed to be sticking out under his thumb nail, it's supposed to go in. Poor kid.

Ok one last picture of the boys. They decided that they wanted to put on coats and gloves in 95 degree weather. They thought they were pretty cool. It didn't last long though.