Friday, February 22, 2008

Taking Pictures

Oh my, what a day. Let me tell you. Do not go get pictures taken with three small kids all by yourself. Whew! It all started out ok and the pictures actually turned out. They were fun. I always have a hard time trying to figure out which ones to buy. But after the pictures were taken, my kids turned into those little children you see at a store that you swear yours will never be like. By the end I was too worn out to go anywhere else, even though I tons of more to do. Oh well. I got my exercise for the day. At least the pictures are nice. I'll post a couple of the ones from the paper sheet of proofs they gave me.

1 comment:

Karli said...

good job for starting a blog! Elder Ballard recently encouraged members of the church to do so, which I thought was awesome. It's a great journal keeping, scrapbooking record type of thing, as well. And, a way to share your testimony too.

I wondered where you were Sunday and didn't realize you were blessing Keegan. We are doing Gray's next Sunday and I'm looking forward to it. Glad you could be with all your family to have it too. I bet you loved having your sister here too. Let me know if you need anything.

Also, great job taking the kids to do pictures by yourself! I saw a mom with just two little boys when I was there getting Grayson's done, and she looked frazzled, so I can't imagine it with three! You are the woman!

See you tomorrow!